3 fists in the air.

2023 ODLC Activist Awards

June 08, 2023 at
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Unifor Local 707 Galaxy Hall 475 North Service Rd. East Oakville, Ontario L6H 1A5

April 17th 2023,

Brothers, Sisters and Comrades,

As we pass the 3 year anniversary of the declaration of a global pandemic, Oakville & District Labour is pleased to announce that we will be once again gathering together to celebrate our annual Activist Awards dinner. The evening celebrates the dedication of trade unionists and their extraordinary service to their memberships and community at large. This is a time to honour individuals for their exceptional efforts in advancing the movement and social justice.

The event will take place Thursday June 8th 2023 at the Unifor Local 707 Galaxy Hall located at 475 North Service Rd. East, Oakville ON.

We are thrilled that Marit Stiles, Leader of the ONDP, will be our guest speaker.

5:00 PM: Doors open

5:00 – 5:45 PM: Social

6:00 – 8:00 PM: Dinner & Presentations

Tickets are a cost of $60 dollars or $400 for a table of 8.

Tickets are limited. Don’t miss out and get your tickets today! Please note that each nominee will be sent an invitation (plus 1) to the event. To purchase tickets please contact Sam Richardson – Oakville & District Labour Council Recording Secretary at recsecodlc@gmail.com.

Oakville & District Labour Council looks forward to coming together again in person to celebrate our local activists with local union rank and file, executives and community members.

In Solidarity,
Maureen Weinberger
Oakville & District Labour Council